Come coach with us

 In Rising Tide Irish Dance Academy

We are looking for additional coaching support at Rising Tide. Interested individuals should contact us at

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to growing our team, and further developing the skill of dancers in our community.

Rising Tide is looking to increase its coaching staff to ensure we can continue to offer great service to all of our dancers and families. As such, we are looking for experienced dancers that are interested in joining our team as a substitute assistant coach. This role would not have any regularly scheduled lessons but would be on the call list for sub coverage as needs arise. Depending on skill level, substitute assistant coaches could be asked to cover all classes with the exception of Championship (but including adults).

Interested individuals must be at least 14 years old. Paid training will be provided and all coaching hours will be paid.

Rising Tide would like to offer dancers younger than 14 (or those 14+ that are interested) that would like to gain coaching experience, an opportunity to act as student coaches. Student coaches would be eligible to assist in Tots, Beginner, Advanced Beginner and possibly Intermediate. This role would not be a paid position, however, we plan to offer alternative compensation in some form. Student coaches can have regularly scheduled lessons, however, that schedule can be set at an appropriate pace for the coach whether that is all lessons, once weekly, bi-monthly, etc.

Interested individuals must be from Rising Tide’s Advanced, Championship or Adult Advanced classes or equivalent skill.

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Rising Tide Irish Dance Academy Logo featuring blue and green text and a celtic knot