Dance classes for competitive dancers in Novice and Open Prizewinner feis levels. This dance class is focused on perfecting Irish dance technique and developing advanced dance skills, in addition to preparing for feiseanna and exams. Dancers in the Advanced class work closely with coaches to set realistic, but challenging goals to grow as dancers and achieve their full potential. In addition to solo dances, team dancing becomes an important aspect for dancers at this level.
- Advanced 1
- Tuesdays 6:30–8pm, Studio 2
- Thursdays 5:30–7pm, Studio 2
- Advanced 2
- Mondays 5:30–7pm, Studio 1
- Thursdays 5:30–7pm, Studio 1
- Advanced combined
- Saturdays 11am–1pm, Studio 1
- Sundays, 1:30–3:30pm, Studio 1
Dancers at this level should be attending at least three dance classes per week. Dancers can register for two, three or all four classes in a week. Discounts are available for taking multiple classes. Dancers taking only one class per week must pay the drop-in fee.
There are two, mandatory dancing workshops with our Irish coach that Advanced dancers must also attend, one in summer/fall and one in spring. Additionally, this class is also required to enroll in our physical fitness and mental performance training programs.
Dance class dress code:
- Poodle socks for girls (can be purchased through Rising Tide), dark socks for boys
- Long hair all the way back in ponytail, bun or braid
- Clothes appropriate and specific for exercise and recreation
- OK: Tshirt or tank top with minimal design (eg. Rising Tide school shirts)
- OK: Shorts, skorts or leggings that are made for exercise
- Note: leggings must be very fitted, particularly at the knee
- Not OK: Dresses, jeans, cargo shorts, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, non-athletic clothing
Dance class equipment list:
- Full water bottle
- Small notebook and pen/pencil
- Sneakers (sneakers and socks should already be on before class time begins)
- Irish dance soft shoes (girls)/boys reel shoes (boys) and hard shoes
- Electrical tape if desired
Dancers in Advanced are expected to participate in local feiseanna (Irish dance competitions). These are generally held in February (school feis), April (ACIDC), August (Feis Nova Scotia) and October (East Coast Feis). Dancers are also expected to participate in feiseanna in other cities. Participation in the oireachtas premiere competition is encouraged. Dancers in Advanced are also encouraged to participate in grade exams.
Dancers in Advanced are expected to perform in the end of year recital in June and may be called upon for additional performances throughout the dance year. Advanced dancers are also encouraged to march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade each March.