A fun and energetic introduction to the very basics of Irish dance and the studio environment for toddlers ages two and three. Our preschool dancers explore movement and music while learning introductory Irish dance skills in a dynamic and engaging classroom. Dancers develop coordination, self-esteem, and social skills through music and dance. A parent or representative must stay in the building during dance classes and if necessary, be present in studio.
- Tot
- Saturdays 9:30–10am, Studio 2
Dance class dress code:
- Poodle socks for girls (can be purchased through Rising Tide), dark socks for boys
- Long hair all the way back in ponytail, bun or braid
- Clothes appropriate and specific for exercise and recreation
- OK: Tshirt or tank top with minimal design (eg. Rising Tide school shirts)
- OK: Shorts, skorts or leggings that are made for exercise
- Note: leggings must be very fitted, particularly at the knee
- Not OK: Dresses, jeans, cargo shorts, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, non-athletic clothing
Dance class equipment list:
- Full water bottle
- Irish dance soft shoes (girls)/boys reel shoes (boys) OR black, cloth dance slippers
- Shoes and socks should already be on before class time begins.
Dancers in Tots are welcome to participate in local feiseanna (Irish dance competitions) in the Tír na nÓg category. These are generally held in February (school feis), April (ACIDC), August (Feis Nova Scotia) and October (East Coast Feis).
Dancers in Tots are invited to perform in the end of year recital in June and may be called upon for additional performances throughout the dance year. Tots are also encouraged to march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade each March.