About Rising Tide

At Rising Tide, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional dance training through expert coaching, purpose-built dance studio space and endless passion for Irish dance. Our instructors are not just dance teachers; they’re dance coaches. And as coaches, we’re there for our dancers every step of the way, supporting them inside and outside of the dance studio to reach their full potential.
Irish dance is a highly technical dance style that requires practice and refinement of even the smallest of details (that’s what makes it so fun!). Our dance classes are supported by at least two coaches at one time. Additionally, dance classes are offered multiple times a week and divided into targeted age groups and levels. This way, each dancer gets the focused attention and specific feedback they need to improve and learn. We know that every dancer has the potential to do amazing things and we’re here to guide them on that journey, right down to the most basic details.
Irish dance also teaches critical life skills, and we take our role as coaches in this part of dancers’ lives just as seriously. Throughout their time in Irish dance, dancers will encounter goal setting, working in teams, dealing with disappointment, giving and receiving feedback, practicing integrity and being personally accountable, all while developing their self-confidence and compassion for others. We love a growth mindset and want to help our dancers learn and develop from each experience they encounter in Irish dance.
“Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better? Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? Why look for friends or partners who will just shore up your self-esteem instead of ones who will also challenge you to grow? And why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you? The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.” ― Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Although we are passionate about training for competitive excellence, community remains our number one priority. Whether it’s our local Team Tide community, or the Irish dance friends and experiences we have around the world, being a part of a team is so meaningful. Our first value is community and we keep that at the forefront of everything we do and every step we dance: ”We are building a fun, spirited and supportive community for everyone at Rising Tide. Everyone who interacts with us can feel it. It’s engaging and something people want to be part of. All are welcome and it’s a community you will never leave.”
Rising Tide opened in January 2015, and has been sharing Irish dance with children and adults across Halifax and Bedford ever since. Rising Tide is registered with An Coimisiún Le Rinci Gaelacha (CLRG) in Dublin, Ireland, the largest Irish dance governing body globally. Through CLRG, Rising Tide also maintains special remote teaching status with the Mount Pearl School of Dance in Newfoundland. This allows those dancers to participate in competition and exams as part of our school through annual workshops.
About Irish Dance
As an art form and an athletic pursuit, Irish dance offers something for everyone. It’s an opportunity for creativity, physical exercise, individual and team activities, and opportunities to compete locally, nationally and internationally. We use hard shoes (similar to tap shoes, but with fibre glass tips) and soft shoes (similar to Highland dance shoes or ballet slippers). In this way, Irish dance can be percussive and powerful yet athletic and elegant.
Irish dance was popularized by such shows as Riverdance and Lord of the Dance. But originally it was a social form of group dancing performed at weddings, fairs and holidays. It’s rooted in the dances taught by traveling dance masters throughout Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries. Famously, Irish dancers move only their legs, keeping their arms tightly by their sides. This is a tradition rumoured to have begun as a way for dancers to perform in crowded pubs without the risk of knocking over pints.
Today, Irish dance is taught and performed all over the world. Irish dance classes and schools can be found across North & South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. Our governing body of Irish dance, CLRG, allows dancers to participate recreationally or competitively. This allows dancers interested in a competitive track the opportunity to compete. Dancers can compete at local competitions (feiseanna), national feiseanna, such as the North American Championships, and international feiseanna including the World Championships. Visit CLRG to learn more.
Mission, vision and code of conduct
Rising Tide’s mission is to build a community of passionate and skilled Irish dancers, and their families, committed to exemplifying the Rising Tide values and elevating the profile of Irish dance in the region.
We are building a fun, spirited and supportive community for everyone at Rising Tide. Everyone who interacts with us can feel it. It’s engaging and something people want to be part of. All are welcome and it’s a community you will never leave.
We as coaches, dancers, and Rising Tide community members will do what we say. We have each other’s backs and start with a positive assumption about each other’s intent.
Community members can expect open, clear and timely communication on all matters affecting dancers and the school.
As Coaches: In every interaction with Rising Tide community members and the broader Irish dance community, we operate with a mindset of respect, honesty and integrity. We interact with our colleagues in a friendly manner. We are gracious in victory and defeat and work to exemplify good sportsmanship at all times. We are responsible to promote the Rising Tide brand and are seen as a reputable, professional organization in our region.
As Dancers and Rising Tide Community Members: In every interaction with fellow dancers, Rising Tide community members, and the broader Irish dance community, whether in class, at a competition, or elsewhere, we operate with a mindset of respect, honesty, and integrity. We are gracious in victory and defeat. We support our classmates and competitors, and work to exemplify good sportsmanship at all times.
As Coaches: We will add our full value in every interaction with dancers and Rising Tide community members. Our aim is to help each dancer reach their full potential.
As Dancers: Rising Tide dancers are responsible for their attitudes and behaviours in and outside of class. Dancers represent Rising Tide. Dancers own their careers as dancers and, together with their coaches, work to reach their full potential. Dancers add their full value and actively participate in every class.
As Rising Tide Community Members: We are representatives and stewards of the Rising Tide brand. We add our full value in every interaction with each other and the wider world. We have each others’ backs.
Dancer code of conduct (signed upon registering)
As a student at the Rising Tide Irish Dance Academy, I commit to:
Taking responsibility for my attitude by:
- Coming to each class with a positive mindset
- Trusting that my coaches and classmates have my best interest at heart
Taking responsibility for my behaviour by:
- Arriving on time to every class with proper footwear and attire, prepared to learn
- Actively participating in each and every class
- Supporting and encouraging my classmates
- Acting in a respectful, honest and supportive manner to instructors and students
- Courteously accepting, and giving, feedback
- Demonstrating good sportsmanship and being gracious in victory and defeat
Taking responsibility for my own dance career by:
- Practicing at home to improve my skills
- Setting goals that push me to be better
- Living up to the commitments listed here
By signing this code of conduct, it means I understand what is expected of me, and promise to live up to these commitments each and every day.