Saturday classes running as planned. Reassessment to come 7:30 a.m.
As of now, we are planning to run classes as usual on Saturday, September 16.
We will assess the weather in the morning and communicate by 7:30 a.m. if the first four classes of the day are cancelled. Those classes are: Tots 9-9:30am, Beginner 9:30-10:15am, Advanced Beginner 10:15-11:15am, and Intermediate 11:15am-12:15pm.
An assessment will be made for afternoon classes by 11:00 a.m. Those classes are: Championship 12:15-2:15pm, Adult 2:15-3:15pm, and Advanced 3:15-4:45pm.
No news is good news so unless we communicate to say classes are cancelled, you can assume things are running as scheduled.
Thank you and take care! We wish everyone and their belongings safety and protection during this storm.